Round-robin scheduling

Round robin event type allows you to distribute the meetings amongst team members based on one of the two optimization methods for identifying the target team member for the meetings.

Fixed hosts

If you wish to bring in Collective behavior into round-robin events, it is possible with You can now select which hosts you wish to always attend the meeting whilst the other selected team members who are booked on a round-robin basis.

This method combines the best of both worlds, a round robin event with a round robin and collective hosts.

The distribution methods

When multiple team members are available to be booked for an event, there are two ways to decide which member is booked for the meeting:

Optimize for availability

When this method is selected, the new booking will be assigned to the member least recently booked.

Optimize for fairness

When this method is selected, the new booking will be assigned to the member with the least number of bookings for this event type.

For tasks like scheduling sales calls or product demos, where you have a pool of people among whom you'd like to distribute meetings, round robin is the perfect choice.

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